Yola pasting up Lovers

Yola pasting up Lovers in London

Paris based Polish artist Yola was in San Francisco September 2012 pasting up art around the Mission. While here she met Alfonso and Eleanor. He was a poet and a revolutionary, she an ex-nurse, studying genetics for fun. Eleanor passed away in May this year and Alfonso in December 2014. They cared about each other very deeply till the end. This paste-up is a celebration of their lives and love.

There is not a lot of wheat paste activity in San Francisco compared to other cities like New York and Paris. Consequently, when we talk with people who do not follow street art they are unfamiliar with the terms wheat paste and paste up. For those of us who see wheat paste on the street, the process of creating the art and pasting it up is not entirely known since it is mainly a midnight activity. This video shows the end of the creative process after the art is blown up and printed on a large format printer. Hopefully it gives clarity.

Lovers – paste up in Islington – making of from Jola Kudela on Vimeo.

About Yolart

Photographs courtesy of Yolart
See other classically inspired art by Yola and read the interview: Yola on Streetartsf
Visit her website: Yolart