Seen On the Street This old house. By Street Art SF Team on June 30, 2010 Location: Haight @Fillmore Street in San Francisco, CA.
Seen On the Street Celestial musings. By Street Art SF Team on June 24, 2010 Location: Mc Coppin @Valencia Street in San Francisco, CA.
Seen On the Street My little pony. By Street Art SF Team on June 23, 2010 Location: Haight @Steiner Street in San Francisco, CA. Photoset Photoset
Seen On the Street Snorkle bug. By Street Art SF Team on June 20, 2010 Location: Haight @Shrader Street in San Francisco, CA.
Seen On the Street Eat the rich. Why? Do they taste better? By Street Art SF Team on June 19, 2010 Location: Haight @Steiner Street in San Francisco, CA.
Seen On the Street Lost souls. By Street Art SF Team on June 18, 2010 Location: Caledonia @15th Street in San Francisco, CA. Artist: Dan Plasma
Seen On the Street No Parking. Garage door. By Street Art SF Team on June 18, 2010 Location: Elizabeth @25th Street in San Francisco, CA.
Seen On the Street The climb. By Street Art SF Team on June 17, 2010 Location: Caledonia @15th Street in San Francisco, CA.
Seen On the Street The city is safe. By Street Art SF Team on June 10, 2010 Location: Valencia @Duboce Avenue, San Francisco. Unknown artist. The little bat may be the artist’s signature. I have spotted it in a number of pieces around the city.
Seen On the Street Spray zone. By Street Art SF Team on June 09, 2010 Location: Lombard @Van Ness Street, San Francisco. Artist: Fresh Paint. Satyr. Lost. Wes Wong.
Seen On the Street Spooks. 415 Clothing Company. By Street Art SF Team on June 08, 2010 Location: 12th @South Van Ness Street, San Francisco. Photoset Photoset
Seen On the Street Critical mass. By Street Art SF Team on June 08, 2010 Location: Balmy @25th Street, San Francisco.